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I'm Angel Errikson

Copywriter by day, culinary explorer by night, and a fitness fanatic on the side, spreading good vibes and captivating content wherever she goes.

Do you know how much calories are in your favourite sweeteners and condiments? 

Making healthy choices often involves being aware of hidden calories in everyday foods, especially sweeteners and condiments. These sweeteners and…

Feeding Your Mood: The Gut-Brain Connection Unveiled!

Ever wondered why a hearty meal can make you feel so content, while a not-so-healthy treat leaves you feeling a…

Unlocking Superpowers: 5 Nutrient Power Couples for Optimal Health

Have you ever heard someone say "better together" or "perfect pair"?  It's just like meeting that special someone who complements…

Carbs Don’t Deserve the Villain Role: A Guide to Smart Carb Choices

Carbohydrates often get a bad rap, but the truth is they're vital for providing our bodies with the energy needed…

Investing in Your Future: 10 Habits for Longevity and Vitality

As I journey through my mid to late twenties, I'm increasingly drawn to reflections on my future self. It's not…

How To Get Glowing Skin Without The Hefty Price Tag

Ever dreamt of that radiant glow without burning through your wallet? The secret lies not in pricey, celebrity-endorsed products but…

Indulge Guilt-Free: 10 Healthy Desserts to Try

As the saying goes, "Life is short; eat dessert first!"... And I couldn't agree more. But here's the twist –…

How The Fitness Industry Is Scamming You

Scrolling through social media, you are bombarded with airbrushed physiques, miracle weight-loss solutions, and an endless stream of "detox" products.…

Benefits Of Vitamin C For The Skin

The skincare industry stands as one of the most expansive and rapidly evolving sectors globally. Each year witnesses new trends…

How to Choose the Perfect Vitamin C Serum

If you've ever scrolled through beauty blogs or strolled down the skincare aisle, you've probably noticed the buzz around Vitamin…